Friday, July 16, 2010

Career Day Reminder

We will be having our Career Day on Thursday July 22nd at 3:00 p.m.

We are still in need of one or two more parents that will be willing to share with us. If you are interested, please contact Sister Sadovich or Sister Huntsman.

Thanks! Can't wait to see you there!

Creativity At Its Finest

On July 8th Megan and Jacqueline headed up a great activity for us! We started with Megan teaching everyone how to sketch Chip and Winnie the Pooh. She carefully explained and demonstrated each step as the girls went to work on their own sketches. They all tuned out great and each sketch was unique. Afterward Jacqueline showed us some of her clay art. After demonstrating basic shapes and techniques, she gave the girls time to use their creativity and make their own clay animals. We found out that there are many talented artists in our group!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Calling all Parents...

On Thursday, July 22nd we are having a Career Day! We are looking for 3 to 4 parents that would be interested in coming and teaching the girls about their professions. Please call Sis. Sadovich at 801-644-6115 or Sis. Huntsman at 208-419-3758 if you are interested and would like more details. We'd really appreciate your help and support. Thanks!

Modesty Collages

With summer finally rolling in, we decided to get together and have a fun activity that reminded us the importance of modesty, even during the hot summer months. Sister Sadovich gave a lesson and we went over the modesty checklist found in the May 2010 Friend. Then the girls made modesty collages!

Some of the girls were also able to add charms to their necklaces for completing activities. Congrats to Jacqueline for completing all of the activities!